How To Install An Auto Clicker For Your Dog

how to install a auto clicker

Auto Clicker is an electronic device that automatically starts clicking when you give it a positive reinforcement. Clicker is a small electronic gadget that is battery powered that can be plugged into any wall socket. It will automatically start clicking when you give it positive reinforcement. Pet clickers come in different models and features. It depends on the model that you use, which one will work for you.

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How to use the clicker is simple. Just find a quiet and comfortable place for your dog, such as your bedroom or living room. Give your dog some food or water and set up the clicker. Do not leave it near a fan or air conditioner.


Set your dog up on a leash and approach it while wearing the leash. Give it positive reinforcement and click the clicker. You can then give it treats and praise. After a few days of doing this routine, your dog will begin to associate approaching the clicker with good things.

How to Install an Auto Clicker For Your Dog


Some people do not want their dog to associate the use of the clicker with food treats. They want their dog to stop when it receives a treat. To achieve this, they will have to install the clicking device on the collar themselves. This may be more complicated for some than others.


There are two types of devices for dogs that you can purchase. One type will have a remote control and another will not. Remote controlled units will require that you put your hand above the dog so that the dog can be trained to respond to the clicking sound. When you are learning how to install an auto clicker, it is best that you use the remote controlled unit for the initial training. This way, you control the training process.


To begin training your dog to use the clicker, you should place the device near your dogs reach. You can also purchase them in different sizes. You should first begin by simply placing your dog's hand in the clicking device and then say the word "click" in a clear voice. If you have purchased the remote controlled unit, then the clicker should go off and the dog will receive the positive reinforcement. If you did not purchase this type of unit, the clicker will sound off and the dog will receive no positive reinforcement. The next thing you should do when learning how to install an auto clicker is to move the clicker as close as possible to the dog's mouth.


Once you have the clicker within reach, then you should say "click" in a firm voice. The sound of the click should be consistent and loud. You should avoid making the sound too soft. If you follow these simple steps, your dog will associate the sound of the click with food. If your dog begins to salivate, then you should increase the amount of food that you give your dog.


Once your dog has begun to understand that the sound of the click means food, you can begin teaching him other tricks. These simple steps will show your dog that the sound of the click equals a positive reinforcement for him. You should record the audio file that instructs how to install an auto clicker so that you can train your dog more effectively. When you are teaching him how to install an auto clicker, it is important that you never give him the treat until he has performed the action for the listener.


You can also use an electronic collar to teach your dog how to install an auto clicker. Electronic collars are widely used by dog trainers, as they offer positive reinforcement without causing negative influences. You should search for the model that suits your dog best, and then you should attach the leash to the collar instead of attaching it to the clicker. This will ensure that your dog does not confuse the leash for the clicker.


You should never use treats as a way of asking how to install an auto clicker. You should always emphasize the positive reinforcement that the clicker offers. This will ensure that your dog understands that the sound of the click equals positive reinforcement. Once your dog understands this concept, then you can begin to ask how to install an auto clicker to his harness.


When you are training your dog to use the clicker as a tool to get positive reinforcement, you should ensure that you always have the treats ready, because this is how your dog will learn to focus his attention on the clicker. Once your dog begins to understand that the click means a positive reinforcement, then you should attach the leash to the clicker and then you should slowly ask him to sit. As your dog begins to sit, you should then give the positive reinforcement and praise the good behaviour. As long as your dog consistently sits while you ask how to install an auto clicker, then he will be completely trained.

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